December 3, 2010


'Time heals all wounds.'
There was a point where I began to doubt - make that hate - that old adage.
Time is fickle. It doesn't 'heal' woulds as much as it 'salts' them.
The farther down the road of grief I got,
the less patience I had with myself for not having it more together.
In Loving Memory of TJ Brady
December 3, 1983 -- January 14, 2001

As you begin a lifetime of driving there are a few things you should know. As your mother, I fear for you! Do you know how to avoid black ice? Do you know how to avoid peer pressure-- not to speed, not to drink and drive? Do you know how important you are to me? Do you know that if you are hurt -- I am hurt. If you bleed -- I bleed. If you die -- I die.

Take care, be careful, you have a role to fill on life's stage -- I need to see you finish what I've started.

A car is a wonderful thing. It is the first step to independence, freedom, and young adulthood. Take care with these responsibilities as they can be deadly -- a car is not a toy but a wonderful necessity. It symbolizes freedom, independence and adulthood. I know you are ready for these things but I am not so sure that I am. Please be careful, I love you with my whole soul and I need to know that you will survive the teen years so that I can enjoy you as an adult.


"Other things may change us,
but we start and end with the family."

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